Using Metalsmith with Jade

Published on Wednesday August 20, 2014

I made this site with a static pages generator. Several reasons for that: ease of hosting and archiving, performance ... and I just gave in to fashion!

The best known tools are Jekyll used to make Github pages, or Pelican in the Python world, but I choose Metalsmith, a modular javascript solution, very easy to extend, and benefiting from the huge ecosystem of libraries available on npm.

Robin Thrift wrote a very good three parts introductory tutorial on Metalsmith. The sources of his blog are also available and are an excellent basis to start.

Apart from these references, the documentation is quite poor. I document here the problems I faced and the techniques I used to solve them.


First of all, I inserted Metalsmith into a Gulp script. The gulp script enable live-reload in the browser and automatically generate HTML pages each time a source file is modified. For this I encapsulated the Metalsmith generation script in a CommonJS module in order to call it from the gulpfile.js file.


var Metalsmith = require('metalsmith'),
    markdown   = require('metalsmith-markdown'),
    include  = require('metalsmith-include'),
    templates  = require('metalsmith-templates');

module.exports = function metalSmith(){
  return Metalsmith(__dirname)
      if (err){ console.log(err); }

gulpfile.js :

var gulp = require("gulp");
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');

gulp.task('default', ['server', 'watch']);

gulp.task('server', function () {
  return browserSync.init(['build/js/*.js', 'build/main.css', 'build/index.html'], {
    server: {
      baseDir: './build'

gulp.task('watch', function(){'./src/content/**/*', ['build']);'./src/styles/**/*', ['build']);'./src/*.md', ['build']);'./templates/**/*', ['build']);

gulp.task('build', function(){

Notice the final error handling in metalsmith.js, very useful when debugging.

Jade configuration

I replaced Handlebar by the elegant and concise Jade as a template system. Jade allows external libraries usage, but unlike Handlebars, you must explicitly declare them in the options when calling the templates() function. Here I use Moment.js, a dates manipulation library.

var Metalsmith = require('metalsmith'),
    markdown   = require('metalsmith-markdown'),
    include  = require('metalsmith-include'),
    templates  = require('metalsmith-templates');

// Template helpers
var moment = require('moment');

module.exports = function metalSmith(){
  return Metalsmith(__dirname)
        engine: 'jade',
        moment: moment
      if (err){ console.log(err); }

We can then use moment.js in the templates:

extends base
block content
    h2!= title
      - moment.locale('fr')!= "Publié le " + moment(date).format("dddd DD MMMM YYYY")
    div!= contents